Don't remember the structure? Just snip it

why going through docs again & again,
copy-pasting code structure when you can
just snip it


Snip It - Search

Search for snippets

  • Open command panel Ctrl+shift+p
  • Type: Snip It:Search
  • Enter library name e.g. shadcn,etc
  • All the snippets realted to selected library will saved be locally
  • Type the prefix e.g. scn, and use them

Create your own snippets

  • Select code
  • Open command panel Ctrl+shift+p
  • Type: Snip It
  • Enter prefix and description and done
Snip It
Snip It - Delete

Delete snippet

  • Open command panel Ctrl+shift+p
  • Type: Snip It:Delete
  • Enter prefix and snippet will be deleted

Available Libraries

Chakra ui
Naive ui
Shadcn ui
Radix ui
Ant Design
Prime Vue
Next ui
Skeleton ui
Radix vue
Prime React